Home News What are Sachin Bansal and Binny Bansal doing after leaving Flipkart

What are Sachin Bansal and Binny Bansal doing after leaving Flipkart


What are Sachin Bansal and Binny Bansal doing after leaving Flipkart?

Sachin Bansal had 5.5% shares in Flipkart which he sold to Walmart. In exchange for these 5.5% shares, he got 1 billion dollars, which means Rs 7000 crores. After this Sachin Bansal has become a complete investor.

Sachin has opened a private equity company named BAC Acquisitions under which he invests in startup companies.

In 2018, Sachin made small investments in 10 technological startup companies.

In 2019, he made his biggest investment, 650 crores in Ola Cabs.
Along with this, has invested 500 crores in 2 startup companies named Altico and Indostar.

Now I hear that Sachin Bansal is making a loud noise in his bank.
 Are engaged in preparing to open which will be completely different from the traditional bank.

Binny Bansal had slightly more shares in Flipkart than Sachin Bansal, which was bought by Walmart and Binny Bansal got 1.2 billion dollars, which means 8400 crores. Binny Bansal was working in Flipkart even

after selling his shares but few months back he has rejoined from Flipkart

Binny Bansal

.Binny Bansal has become an investor like Sachin having made his first investment, of Rs 450 crore, in an insurance startup company ‘Acko’.

Some ex-employees working at Flipkart have joined hands to set up a private equity company that will invest in startups. Binny Bansal has given him Rs 200 crore to help him.

There is a company by the name of Nimble Labs which is making a robot named ‘Julia’ which can cook. Binny Bansal has given some money to Nimble Labs for research and development to make this robot and he is also included in its team.

Apart from this, Binny Bansal has invested in many such startups which are making new technology for the treatment of cancer.

Sources of Facts: YourStory Blog and Wikipedia



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